Pet Laser Therapy
A non-invasive holistic treatment.
Cold laser therapy is an amazing healing treatment modality. Laser treatment is performed on the awake patient and is also often utilized during or after surgery. Laser therapy blocks pain and inflammation and also promotes collagen growth. We have dozens of patient testimonials that lend credibility to this wonderful healing treatment modality.
For a detailed overview of this awesome treatment be sure to check out this YouTube video:
We love our Class IV Cold Therapy Laser! The name for this process is actually "photobiomodulation", which means that a special light penetrates the tissue surface and actually blocks pain and inflammation, and regenerates collagen.
We use our therapy laser here at Family Pet Clinic 2-10 times each day! (For sure my left knee and right shoulder so that I can keep playing tennis 4-5 days a week!)
The entire process only takes a few minutes. We have noticed a HUGE difference in the comfort level of our patients post-op and we are very appreciative of this healing modality.
We commonly use our laser for orthopedic pain, back pain, inflamed ears, post-op surgery sites, and dental extraction sites.
If you think laser therapy could improve your pet's quality of life, give us a call at (310) 376-0072 to schedule a consultation.